Saturday, March 9, 2019

C. Crane CCRadio-2E and the Tecsun PL-380

Both radios arrived last week and I'm extremely pleased with both. For the money the 380 is a good performer after some quick testing and the 2E is an awesome radio. The first night using the 2E I logged three new medium wave stations and my first 2 meter ham operator. The radio locks onto stations well and has very little noise. The weather channel and alert is a great function as the weather seems to be getting worse every year. I have found the most active time on the two meter ham band is around 5 PM on weekdays when people are heading home from work.

I have spent less time with the 380 as I have been giving the Tecsun PL-660 a second chance after an initial terrible first impression. I will have a separate post detailing the second look at this receiver. I'm listening to some music with it right now on 6175 while typing this post out.

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